The Complete Guide to NDIS Support Coordination

If your initial NDIS plan included funds for “Coordination of Supports,” but you’re not sure what that implies, you’ve come to the right spot! To help you enter your plan with confidence, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of disability assistance coordination in this article.

A NDIS support coordinator performs disability support coordination as part of the NDIS. NDIS support coordination is given on a case-by-case basis, frequently just for brief periods of time when you initially begin your plan or experience a significant change in circumstances, in contrast to funding for Plan Management, which can be requested by anyone.

Here are some things about NDIS support coordination that you should be aware of.

What Exactly Is a NDIS Support Coordinator?

Funds for capacity building are allocated for support coordination. This is a set value for “enhancing participant’s capabilities to organise and carry out support in their NDIS plans and to engage deeper in the community”.

It is crucial to keep in mind that financing for support coordination is not intended to be permanent, so you cannot get it in every plan. Over time, a support coordinator will assist you in developing your abilities and skills.

NDIS Support Coordinator duties include:

  • Help you comprehend and put into practice the funded supports in your plan.
  • Help you develop your capacity for exercising control and choosing.
  • Connect you to community, mainstream, and other government services.
  • Assemble service providers for you.
  • Help you get ready for your NDIS plan review.
  • Help you “optimise” your NDIS plan to make sure you are maximising the benefits of your funded services.
  • Aid in crisis situations, crisis resolution, capacity building, and resilience building.

A support coordinator ought to act as your personal assistant. They assist you in coming up with the greatest NDIS spending strategies.

This can entail tracking down unusual services or assisting you in connecting with service providers.

What Is NDIS Support Coordination?

The support offered to a person with a disability that enables them to keep up with their home environment is referred to as NDIS Support Coordination. An individual can develop skills and get the support they require to assist them throughout their lives with the help of the NDIS, which also offers behavioural support. Support provided by the NDIS may take the form of home renovations or equipment evaluations.

What Is Included in a NDIS Plan?

The NDIS offers plans that are tailored to the individual. Your NDIS service provider will utilise funding from the NDIS to collaborate with you to design a plan that will direct the help you require to gradually increase your skills. As a legal agreement created specifically for you, your individualised plan contains details like:

  • What type of work you’d like to do.
  • What the objectives are.
  • What kind of help you need.

Your NDIS plan serves as a roadmap for making sure you get the necessary support. Your unique NDIS plan may include training aimed at enhancing your abilities in a variety of crucial day-to-day life skills, such as:

  • Personal hygiene, toileting, and showering
  • Food shopping
  • Organising and making wholesome meals
  • Housework
  • Laundry
  • Gardening
  • Basic repairs and maintenance

The NDIS is an insurance programme that looks at aiding people with disabilities over the course of their entire lives. To give disabled people the tools and support they need to improve their quality of life, the NDIS advocates early investment in therapeutic assistance. Because they enable people with disabilities to live as independently as possible and enable them to get the care and support they require, NDIS therapeutic support can therefore be considered essential.

What Kinds of Support Are Offered?

The NDIA has a three-tiered system for coordinated financed support. The level of support offered increases from one tier to the next. Your eligibility for a certain amount of support will be determined by the NDIA.

Support Coordination

Support coordination attempts to improve your capacity to connect with and mainstream, coordinate informal and financed support while also offering a more hands-on level of support. In order to satisfy their requirements and set objectives, users may need support from a variety of service providers, including speech therapy, behaviour support, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy.

This involves resolving periods of crisis, assisting users in building resilience, and organising support from these service providers.

Support Connection

This offers scheduled meetings with a time limit, such as one hour each week. Your ability to autonomously connect with informal, mainstream, and funded help will be strengthened as a result. In order to improve your ability to maintain supportive relationships with providers, address problems with service delivery, and take an active role in managing your NDIS support plan, the time frame is set as a reference.

Specialist Support Coordination NDIS

Specialist help Coordination is the NDIA’s highest level of help. This assistance is also given in scheduled appointments and focuses on removing complicated and high-risk obstacles to living with a disability.

Users with more complicated situations who might need specialised assistance to coordinate supports and services may choose specialist support coordination, the highest degree of support coordination. The objective is to make the NDIS process less complicated while supporting users in finding the right support and services.